LAFELIZ celebrates 15 years.
We have evolved, we have changed, we look back and we move forward.
Now, we are in what we call the 4th stage of this journey.
The stage where LAFELIZ proposes and executes on its own and through collaborations
Experience and energy make up this stage of our journey.
The opportunity arises from the project and initiation of the Royal Thai Embassy in Buenos Aires in 2019. We were selected, we were asked for a collaboration project and several design studios were presented to us. We chose THINKK for the quality of their work, their contemporary vision, their semantics and their sense of belonging to Thailand.
And then the two brands developed a project together. The project that we generated was based on the search and selection of a work technique that was LAFELIZ, and rethinking an iconic product of ours - Las Farolas, not because of its shape but because of its working technique.
We got together and rethink. We asked THINKK to generate a new version of the Thai lantern based on LAFELIZ's work technique. This was going to be the basis of the project - we provide the technique and they the semantics. We would rethink the symbolism of an object that represents the Thai lantern in Argentina.
This adventure first began in 2019 when we travelled to Bangkok, accompanied us while we were in La Paz, Bolivia and then brought us back to Buenos Aires - amid time differences, going back and forth, doing numerous tests, and experimenting with different materials.
And now, there is a product!
Soon. ...
Colección UN

La Colección UN, está dirigida únicamente los “collectable designs” de LAFELIZ. Es la cara “única” del Estudio.
Dentro de UN; LAFELIZ cura, edita y produce a diseñadores y artistas contemporáneos del país o de la región; elevando su producto; dando como resultado producciones que pueden devenir en productos únicos o series numeradas.
UN es un instante dado por un “estado de cosas”. Una instancia, donde arte y diseño se fusionan; un momento mágico en el cual las cosas toman otro estado.
La nueva incorporación dentro de esta colección, es una producción limitada 001/100; ni más ni menos, diseñada por Andrés Reisinger para LAFELIZ.
The UN Collection aims exclusively at the "collectable designs" of LAFELIZ. It is the "unique" side of the Studio.
Within UN; LAFELIZ curates, edits and produces designers and contemporary artists from the country or the region, elevating their products, leading to productions that may become unique products or numbered series.
UN is an instant given by a "state of things". It's an instance where art and design merge; a magical moment in which things acquire a different state.
The newest addition to this collection is a limited series 001/100; designed by none other than Andrés Reisinger for LAFELIZ.

Andres is an Argentine multidisciplinary designer based in Barcelona - Spain, known for creating digital interiors and object design. Andres believes in challenging the status quo by operating at the intersections of industrial design, craft, architecture, sculpture, conceptual art, installation and 3D digital art. His creative process uncovers the invisible and the new, with a unique sensibility for colors and materiality.
The Sconce #Soon. ... turns out to be a piece of art with a utility. An artifact that beyond fulfilling its appointed role of illumination; it generates a visual impact due to its form and materiality.
Andrés, es un diseñador argentino multidisciplinario con sede en Barcelona - España, conocido por crear interiores digitales y diseño de objetos. Andrés cree en desafiar el status quo operando en las intersecciones del diseño industrial, artesanía, arquitectura, escultura, arte conceptual, instalación y arte digital en 3D. Su proceso creativo descubre lo invisible y lo nuevo, con una sensibilidad única para los colores y la materialidad.
El Aplique #Soon. … resulta como una obra de arte con utilidad. Un artefacto que más allá de cumplir con su rol designado de iluminar; genera un impacto visual debido a su forma y materialidad.

Cuenta con un sistema de iluminación dimerizable; el sistema DALI es un sistema domótico que sirve para regular diferentes aspectos de las luminarias. Permite controlar de forma centralizada el funcionamiento de la iluminación tanto de manera presencial como de forma remota mediante dispositivos.
It's equipped with a dimmable lighting system; the DALI system is a domotic system used to regulate different aspects of the luminaires. It allows centralized control of lighting operation both on-site and remotely by means of devices.

DFM Soon
Design for Manufacturing
How do we develop it?
Each Soon Lamp is manufactured by hand piece by piece, taking care of every detail, generating a unique identity in each product. This is where the craft takes shape, highlighting the artistic value of this luminaire.
¿Cómo lo desarrollamos?
Cada Aplique Soon está fabricado pieza por pieza a mano, cuidando cada detalle, generando una identidad única en cada producto. Acá es donde lo artesanal toma forma resaltando el valor artístico de esta luminaria.